Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Listening Day Seven

Tonight's song is about an old friend who spent her formative years facing unthinkable domestic abuse. As I wind my way through the mechanics of the song, it is all to easy to forget the pain and torment this person endured. When I pause to consider the song content, and even as I type these few sentences, I am dumbstruck by the depth of hurt that she and so many others have endured.

On a completely unrelated but nevertheless important note, I reconnected with an old friend from college who now runs a successful recording and editing studio in Massachusetts. His prices seem more than reasonable and he seemed willing to take on the mastering portion of this project. With all the frustrations I have been encountering, he may very well get the gig.

Song Report Number Seven: Cry Justice
To round out the song, I added touches of metallic percussion to various sections of the song, while eliminating texture from other passages. Adding EQ, de-essing, and compression yielded a balanced, full tone. Clearly this song is one the latest Redline Project tracks, because the recording techniques used sound significantly superior to earlier specimens.


  1. can you give me the contact information of the guy that might be doing the mastering for you? i am looking for someone who could master my new cd too...
    another question: what do you reckon: how much time have you spent already on the redline project?

  2. gentlemen, i am totally blessed by your creative genius, enviable skills, and willingness to trek into the complex maze of the techhie wilderness involved in mixing and recording.

    Feel like I've found some cosmic connection with great minds and spirits... Journey on, and hopefully many more will enter the orbit and be so blessed!
