Monday, May 24, 2010

Something Different

The fact I must face is that the Redline Project has become a bore. It won't insult me if you think the same, even if you were to mention it out loud. In some ways the blog mirrors the slog of the recording work lately. Instead of composing songs and laying down tracks, the work of the Redline Project has been mechanical, detailed, and downright tedious.

So I am going to write something different today, something fun, something off the beaten path. In a shameless plea to retain what is left of my dwindling readership, I am offering the very best musical humor the web has to offer.

How do you know if there is a percussionist at the door?
The knocking gets slower.

What happens when you play a country record backwards?
1. You get out of prison.
2. Your wife comes back to you.
3. Your pickup truck is returned.
4. Your dog comes back to life.

Know how to make a million dollars singing jazz?
Start with two million.

Bob is throwing a party. He decides that, to break the ice at his party, he'll ask his guests what their I.Q. is--hopefully this will strike up an appropriate conversation from there. The day of Bob's party rolls around, and when the first guest knocks on the door, Bob asks the person what her I.Q. is. "200,000" replies the first guest. "Well, that's great," says Bob, let's talk about ethereal astro physics. Bob and this first guest talk about the aforementioned subject for a while. Later in the party, someone else is at the door. "Hi my name is Bob; welcome to my party, what's your I.Q.?" The new guest responds with "250". "Great," says Bob. "Lets talk about advanced math. Bob and his new guest talk about calculus and statistics for awhile. Much later in the party, after many more guests had arrived and been spoken to by Bob, yet another guest arrives at the door. "Hi, my name's Bob; welcome to my party, what's your I.Q.?" This time the guest replies after putting some thought into it "five". "Well, that's great," says Bob, "what kind of drumsticks do you use?"

What do you do when a musician comes to your front door?
You give him the money and take the pizza.

How do you start a conversation with a musician?
Ask him where he waits tables.

And there you have it: something different, something light. Yes, all of this material was shamelessly lifted off of random websites and no, I am not taking the time to reference any of it. Hope you enjoyed the results of my scavenging. The blog returns to pertinent topics tomorrow, with a promise that the content will be less technical. Thank you for enduring the last weeks' slog.

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