Sunday, April 25, 2010

Waxing Romantic

The Redline Project is not intended to be a venue for gushing oozy love. Mostly, I have kept the blog free from the details of my personal life, except where I deemed those specifics to be related to the project in important ways. Tonight is one of those instances that a taste of the personal is in order.

I am crazy in love with my wife. In a world filled with hissy, demanding spouses that wield their whims upon their partners, my better half is remarkably selfless and downright stellar. A poignant example: she not only puts up with the daily bouquet of hours I dedicate to the Redline Project music and blog, she champions the cause by offering a listening ear, encouraging feedback, and endless support. Margaret, you are a remarkable human being and a marvelous wife. The seams of my heart barely hold together as love continues to flood its chambers.

Why the gush after all this time? I experienced euphoria tonight as Margaret graced one of my recordings with her magnificent cello talent. Between the two of us, she is in every way the true talent, the real musician. Simply stated, this project would not exist if it were not for the gracious gifts of time and patience this woman offers me. These praises are barely adequate and long overdue.

I am humbled by Margaret's musicality and gratified by her presence on "Sing Silently," a song that will serve as the last track of the album. You are going to fall in love with her musical offering; I can't wait for you to hear it.


  1. i haven't heard or read for a while somebody confessing his love in such a way...

  2. "The seams of my heart barely hold together as love continues to flood its chambers."

    Beautiful! Keep up the great work!!
