Monday, May 3, 2010

Rerecord and Reminisce

As I opened up one of my earlier tracks, one desperately needing a complete vocal redo, I noticed the corners of my mouth forming a soft smile as I recalled the process of putting the initial recording together. Nearly a month has passed since the last time I chiseled away at the sound of this song, called Thursday.

The lyrics aim to capture the confusing emotions surrounding the gospel accounts of Jesus Christ and the disciples as they celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. It is a story that even the decidedly irreligious have heard in some form, and yet its facets remain a foggy riddle. Why must the Christ die? For what crime is he being crucified? Why does one disciple hand him over to the authorities? Why does another pretend he never knew the man?

And why would Jesus sweat bullets in the Garden of Gethsemane as he prayed the night before his death sentence? Didn't he know the end of the story?

There are tidy, pious answers to all of these questions, but I must admit that most leave me feeling flat and unsatisfied. The song I am honing tonight speaks about this overwhelming story and the sobering emotions that are packaged with it.

A snippet:
Weeping lead, sweating drops of blood
Wielding piece, fear I caused the flood
The rain must fall
inside the garden wall

Some believe vehemently that the story is the gospel truth. Others claim it never happened. Hardly anyone is neutral on the matter - such a polarizing event and poignant story. I am honored to join thousands of artists throughout history that each tell the tale from a slightly different angle, and I can not wait until the day that everyone can hear my take.

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